The Reverse Nordic is an effective exercise that primarily strengthens the thigh muscles while simultaneously stretching the hip flexors. In this movement, you kneel on the ground and lean your torso backward in a controlled manner while keeping the hips extended. This requires both strength in the legs and core as well as good hip flexor flexibility.
As the counterpart to classic Nordic Hamstring Curls, which focus on the posterior thigh muscles, the Reverse Nordic targets the anterior thigh muscles. While the Reverse Nordic involves leaning the torso backward, the Nordic Hamstring Curls involve leaning forward and controlling the descent. Both exercises complement each other perfectly for a balanced leg workout.
The exercise Reverse Nordic is intended to be used as a mobility, hypertrophy exercise.
Quadriceps - The quadriceps femoris is the large muscle at the front of your thigh. It extends your knee.
Hipflexors - The hip flexors, including the iliacus and psoas major muscles, allow you to bend your leg and torso forward.
Glutes - The gluteus maximus is the large muscle in your buttocks. It is important for extending the hip, moving your leg backward, and stabilizing the hip joint.
The Assisted Reverse Nordic Curl using gymnastic rings also emphasizes the importance of the thigh muscles and hip flexors. Compared to the standard Reverse Nordic exercise, the support provided by the rings offers a more stable starting position and reduces the load, allowing for a controlled and safer backward lean of the torso.
The Straddle Reverse Nordic builds upon the Reverse Nordic by positioning the legs in a wide stance. This variation places additional emphasis on the adductors alongside the anterior thigh muscles and hip flexors. By spreading the knees further apart, the exercise becomes more challenging and requires greater flexibility and stability in the hips.
Dragon squats, similar to the Pistol Squat, are an advanced exercise that primarily strengthens the glutes, thighs, and core. In this movement, one leg is crossed behind the standing leg as the body lowers into a squat. This exercise promotes balance, stability, and mobility in the hips and ankles.
Long lunges strengthen the legs and promote hip mobility. You take a large step forward, keeping the back leg straight and shifting your weight further forward. This variation particularly targets the leg and glute muscles while also improving hip flexibility, especially the mobility of the hip flexor. Additionally, the ankle joints are mobilized as the knee is pushed as far forward as possible over the toes. Unlike the classic lunge, the long lunge shifts the focus more forward, stretches the hip more intensively due to the extended back leg, and results in greater knee flexion.
The Cossack squat is a lower body exercise. In this movement, you shift side to side, keeping one leg straight while the other bends. This creates an intense stretch in the inner thigh muscles and improves hip mobility. This exercise is especially good for enhancing your hip flexibility.
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