
Triceps Extensions with gym rings

Triceps Extensions on the rings focus on building muscle in the triceps and are an excellent preparation for more advanced exercises like Ring Push-ups or Ring Dips. In this exercise, you start in an inclined plank position with your arms extended while gripping the rings. By bending your elbows in a controlled manner, you lower your body forward and then return to the starting position with a powerful extension of the arms.

Necessary equipment

Triceps Extensions with gym rings - the correct execution

  • Grab the rings with straight arms and get into the push-up position
  • Maintain maximum tension in the core and glutes
  • Bend your elbows and bring the rings to the sides of your head
  • Keep your elbows close together and always in your field of vision
  • Extend your arms and push yourself back to the starting position
  • Your body remains in a straight line throughout

The exercise Triceps Extensions is intended to be used as a hypertrophy exercise.

Which muscles are trained by Triceps Extensions?

Primary trained muscles for Triceps Extensions

  • Triceps - The triceps brachii muscle is located at the back of your upper arm. It extends your arm at the elbow and also helps move the arm backward.

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