The cross-legged sitting position is a simple yet effective posture often used in yoga, meditation, and as a stretching exercise. In this position, the legs are crossed in front of the body so that the knees point outward and the feet rest beneath the thighs. This position promotes hip flexibility and strengthens the core muscles, as it requires an upright posture.
For beginners or individuals with limited hip mobility, placing a cushion or block under the hips can make the position more comfortable and sustainable.
The cross-legged sitting position is excellent for improving hip joint mobility and gently stretching the leg muscles. Practicing this position regularly can help enhance sitting posture and develop body awareness. The kneeling position is another seated yoga posture, but it focuses more on knee flexion.
The exercise Cross Legged Sitting is intended to be used as a mobility, cool down exercise.
Adductors - The adductors are muscle groups in the thigh that help bring your legs together. They stabilize your pelvis while walking and standing and also assist in movements like crossing your legs.
Lower Back - The erector spinae muscle runs along your spine and helps you extend your back and stand upright.