
Dead Bug

The Dead Bug exercise falls under the category of core exercises and aims to strengthen the abdominal muscles. It is particularly effective for improving stability and control throughout the entire body. During the exercise, the arms and legs are moved alternately. It is important to keep the lower back in contact with the floor to maintain tension in the abdominal muscles.

A similar exercise is the Bird-Dog, where you start in a quadruped position instead of lying on your back.

Dead Bug - the correct execution

  • Start lying on your back
  • Hold the extended arms in the air
  • The legs are bent and the hips are bent 90 degrees
  • Start to move one arm in the extension of the body
  • Bring the other arm in the direction of the thighs
  • At the same time stretch the leg on the side where you bring the arm to the thigh
  • Return to the starting position and change sides
  • Each side counts as one repetition

The exercise Dead Bug is intended to be used as a hypertrophy exercise.

Which muscles are trained by Dead Bug?

Primary trained muscles for Dead Bug

  • Abs - The rectus abdominis, also known as the "abs," runs vertically along the front of the abdomen. It is responsible for bending the torso forward, such as during sit-ups, and lifting the pelvis. This muscle stabilizes the torso, supports the spine, and helps maintain good posture.

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