Front Delt

Pike Push Ups

Pike pushups, also known as "shoulder push-ups" or "pike press," are an excellent calisthenics exercise for strengthening the shoulders and triceps. This exercise mimics the movement of a handstand push-up, making it ideal for those looking to build shoulder strength without using weights.

Popular weighted alternatives include shoulder presses and Arnold presses.

Pike Push Ups - the correct execution

  • Hands are flat and spread on the floor
  • Arms are stretched
  • Bend your hips to the maximum
  • Legs are long and your front feet touch the floor
  • Shift your body weight to your hands
  • Bend your arms and slowly walk with your forehead in front of your hands towards the floor
  • Elbows point backwards
  • The hip remains the highest point throughout

The exercise Pike Push Ups is intended to be used as a hypertrophy exercise.

Which muscles are trained by Pike Push Ups?

Primary trained muscles for Pike Push Ups

  • Front Delts - The front part of the deltoid muscle, also known as the anterior shoulder, is located at the front of the shoulder. It is primarily involved in the forward movement of the arm, such as lifting the arm forward. It also assists in the internal rotation of the arm. This muscle is engaged in activities that involve lifting objects in front of the body or pushing forward.

Secondary trained muscles for Pike Push Ups

  • Triceps - The triceps brachii muscle is located at the back of your upper arm. It extends your arm at the elbow and also helps move the arm backward.

Calisthenics training, developed by sports scientists and optimized by smart algorithms, for your best workout.

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Alternative variants of Pike Push Ups:

Pike Push Ups with gym rings

Pike push-ups on gymnastics rings increase the difficulty by adding challenges to stability and balance. They are an effective preparatory exercise for handstand push-ups on rings and other advanced exercises that require high levels of stability and body tension.

Necessary equipment

Pike Push Ups with gym rings - the correct execution

  • Start in the push up position
  • Place your feet as close as possible to the rings
  • Flex your hips to the maximum
  • Stand on your toes with legs extended
  • Bend your elbows and bring the rings to your shoulders
  • Try to keep your upper body as vertical as possible
  • Shift your body weight to your arms

Pike Push Ups with parallettes

Pike push-ups on parallettes offer a greater range of motion, which places more intense stress on the shoulders. Compared to traditional pike push-ups, they allow for a deeper stretch but are technically more challenging and require more strength. Ideal warm-up exercises include wrist circles forward and backward.

Necessary equipment

Pike Push Ups with parallettes - the correct execution

  • Start in the push-up position
  • Place your feet as close as possible to the parallettes
  • Bend your hips to the maximum
  • Stand on your toes with legs extended
  • Bend your elbows and bring your shoulders to the parallettes
  • Try to keep your upper body as vertical as possible
  • Shift your body weight to your arms