Front Delt, Serratus Anterior

Scapular Push Ups with parallettes

Scapular Push-ups, also known as shoulder blade push-ups, are an exercise that specifically strengthens the shoulders and the serratus anterior. The arms stay straight while you control the movement of your shoulder blades, pulling them together and pushing them apart. This exercise enhances the stability and mobility of the shoulder blades. Scapular Push-ups are a great addition to regular push-ups, especially if you have issues with shoulder activation. They are also popular in planche training as they help train the technique of shoulder girdle protraction.

Necessary equipment

Scapular Push Ups with parallettes - the correct execution

  • Start in the push-up position on the parallettes
  • Keep your arms extended throughout
  • Shoulders are above the wrists
  • Make sure your core is tight and push your lower back out up (PPT)
  • Pull your shoulder blades together at the back and lower your chest towards the floor (retraction)
  • Push out from your arms and pull your shoulder blades apart (protraction)

The exercise Scapular Push Ups is intended to be used as a warm up, technique, mobility exercise.

Which muscles are trained by Scapular Push Ups?

Primary trained muscles for Scapular Push Ups

  • Front Delts - The front part of the deltoid muscle, also known as the anterior shoulder, is located at the front of the shoulder. It is primarily involved in the forward movement of the arm, such as lifting the arm forward. It also assists in the internal rotation of the arm. This muscle is engaged in activities that involve lifting objects in front of the body or pushing forward.

  • Serratus Anterior - The serratus anterior muscle, also known as the anterior serratus muscle, is a muscle that runs along the sides of the ribs and attaches to the inside of the shoulder blade. It helps move the shoulder blade forward and outward and fix it against the chest wall. This is particularly important for movements such as bringing the arm forward or lifting the arm overhead. The serratus anterior muscle also plays a crucial role in stabilizing the shoulder during pushing or striking actions.

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