
Shoulder Press with a barbell

Dumbbell shoulder press offers more freedom of movement and promotes stability, as each side of the body works independently. Compared to the barbell version, it requires more coordination but allows for a more customized range of motion.

Necessary equipment

Barbell & Rack

Shoulder Press with a barbell - the correct execution

  • Grip the barbell at least shoulder width
  • Stabilize your shoulders by trying to bend the barbell upwards
  • Lift the barbell from the horizontal bar
  • Hold the barbell in front of your chest and take one step
  • Choose a hip-width stance and ensure sufficient tension in the torso and buttock
  • Extend the barbell overhead until the arms are extended.
  • Lower the barbell slowly and controlled back to the chest
  • The training weight for this exercise is the sum of the barbell's own weight and the additional weight plates

The exercise Shoulder Press is intended to be used as a hypertrophy exercise.

Which muscles are trained by Shoulder Press?

Primary trained muscles for Shoulder Press

  • Shoulders - The deltoid muscle shapes your shoulder and helps you move your arm in different directions. It consists of three parts: the anterior part moves the arm forward, the middle part lifts the arm to the side, and the posterior part moves the arm backward.

Secondary trained muscles for Shoulder Press

  • Triceps - The triceps brachii muscle is located at the back of your upper arm. It extends your arm at the elbow and also helps move the arm backward.

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Alternative variants of Shoulder Press with a barbell:

Shoulder Press with dumbbells

Diese Übung zielt vorrangig auf den Aufbau deiner Schultermuskulatur ab. Dabei erlernen Anfänger auch die vertikale Drückbewegung nach oben, welche als grundlegende Vorbereitung auf die fortgeschrittenere Übung des Handstand-Push-ups gilt.

Necessary equipment


Shoulder Press with dumbbells - the correct execution

  • Start in hip-width stance
  • Hold the dumbbells above your shoulders with bent arms
  • Your fingers point continuously forward
  • Stretch your arms maximally above your head
  • Work in the largest possible range of motion
  • Keep active tension in torso throughout
  • The training weight for this exercise is the weight of a single dumbbell. Therefore, train with two dumbbells that weigh the indicated weight.

Shoulder Press Alternating with dumbbells

In the alternating dumbbell shoulder press, each shoulder is loaded alternately. This variation promotes muscular balance and core stability compared to the barbell version but is less suitable for maximal strength training.

Necessary equipment


Shoulder Press Alternating with dumbbells - the correct execution

  • Start in hip-width stance
  • Hold the dumbbells with bent arms in front of your chest
  • Your fingers point to your chest
  • Stretch one arm overhead
  • Rotate your hand so that your fingers are pointing forward in the final position
  • Bend the arm and return to the starting position
  • Then start with the other arm
  • Work in the largest possible range of motion
  • Maintain active tension in the torso throughout
  • The training weight for this exercise is the weight of a single dumbbell. Therefore, train with two dumbbells that weigh the indicated weight.

Shoulder Press with gym rings

In contrast to the barbell shoulder press, this variation is technically more demanding but less suitable for maximal strength training, as it is harder to progressively increase the weight.

Necessary equipment

Shoulder Press with gym rings - the correct execution

  • Start in an upright position
  • Position the rings above your shoulders
  • Elbows are under the rings
  • Stretch and bend arms slowly and in a controlled manner
  • Lean back throughout and keep the straps under tension