Shoulders, Upper Back, Triceps

Table Top Hold

This static exercise from the calisthenics world can enhance your strength, mobility, and flexibility levels. It is particularly effective for the shoulders, upper back, and triceps, and is excellent for beginners.

Table Top Hold - the correct execution

  • Get into the table position
  • Make sure the arm-torso angle is 90 degrees
  • Your knees should also be bent 90 degrees
  • Your upper body and thighs are in one line
  • Tighten your buttocks

The exercise Table Top Hold is intended to be used as a warm up, mobility, hypertrophy exercise.

Which muscles are trained by Table Top Hold?

Primary trained muscles for Table Top Hold

  • Shoulders - The deltoid muscle shapes your shoulder and helps you move your arm in different directions. It consists of three parts: the anterior part moves the arm forward, the middle part lifts the arm to the side, and the posterior part moves the arm backward.

  • Upper Back - The muscles in the upper back, including the trapezius and rhomboid muscles, help move and stabilize your shoulders. They pull the shoulder blades together and support posture.

  • Triceps - The triceps brachii muscle is located at the back of your upper arm. It extends your arm at the elbow and also helps move the arm backward.

Secondary trained muscles for Table Top Hold

  • Glutes - The gluteus maximus is the large muscle in your buttocks. It is important for extending the hip, moving your leg backward, and stabilizing the hip joint.

  • Lower Back - The erector spinae muscle runs along your spine and helps you extend your back and stand upright.

Calisthenics training, developed by sports scientists and optimized by smart algorithms, for your best workout.

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