Muscles built for purpose, not just for show.

DIE RINGE App combines Calisthenics and Ringtraining, enabling you to achieve an impressive body awareness and a well-defined physique.

As featured in:

Kölner Stadt Anzeiger
Moving Monkey
Deutscher Calisthenics und Streetlifting Verband
Calisthenics Camp
Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln

Unlock Your Potential with DIE RINGE

Discover the impact of personalized workouts on your performance with Paul, in our compelling video demonstration.

Your fitness journey, tailored to you

Focus on progress, not guesswork

Your training, your way

Train on your own terms and let your Coach tailor your plan to your schedule, preferences, and fitness level.

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Take the guesswork out of fitness and train more efficiently with a personalized workout plan that caters to your needs.

Smart algorithm. Perfect overload. Maximum progress.

No need to stress about your training progress. Our smart algorithm adjusts your sessions to ensure optimal development.

21 weeks to your first pull-up.

That's how quickly users learn their first pull-up and ring dip. These are the results of an analysis of the training data of over 7000 DIE RINGE app users.

Start now & get free rings

Success Stories: Real People, Real Progress with DIE RINGE

See how our community is achieving their fitness goals with tailored workouts and progressive overload.

  • Daniela B.
    At 40 years in 12 weeks to the first pull-up
  • Oliver R.
    Entrepreneur on Cyprus
  • Sophie E.
    25 years old - painter and varnisher
  • I've been using the app since it's been around and it's gotten better and better. So has my training level, of course - with an average of two workouts a week!

    Read the full story
    Urs K.
    48 years, family man - Learned Front Lever & Back Lever within 3 years.
  • After my pregnancy I had bad back pain every day. I have been training with the DIE RINGE app for 3 years now and my back is doing great.

    Read the full story
    Dinah M.
    37 years, teacher & mother - Mastered the pull-up & got rid of her back pain.
  • It's not enough to go to treatment a few times a week and think that others are doing a good job. You have to do something for yourself, you are the only one who can listen to your body.

    Read the full story
    Niels K.
    34 years, motorcyclist - Reclaiming his best form after an accident

A training plan for every goal

Achieve your fitness goals with your personalized path to success.


If you enjoy working out in a calisthenics park and love variety in your workouts, then this style of training is the perfect choice for you. In addition to the rings, the benefits of bars and parallel bars will be included in your workout.

Ring Muscle Up

The Ring Muscle Up is probably the most famous element on the gym rings. The combination of pull-up and dip shows at a glance that you have a strength, agility and body control. Learn the Muscle Up step by step and work out the difficulties of the Muscle Up with structured technique training.


Get ready to improve your mobility! With bodyweight training, a few extra weights, and a structured workout, you can work on your mobility effectively. This mobility workout was developed in collaboration with Moving Monkey. It covers all areas of the body and focuses especially on key elements like the deep squat, bridge, and pancake.

Bodyweight Legs

Leg training with your own body weight will push you to your limits with many variations of lunges and squats. The workout plan is perfect for you if you don't have any equipment other than gymnastic rings.


The mother of all gymnastics exercises that everyone knows. Train your strength, flexibility and improve your balance with the handstand.


This style includes pure ring training. You not only train your entire upper body but also learn the most important exercises on the gymnastic rings. Pull-ups, dips, and many different Skin The Cat variations are combined with useful supplementary exercises.


No equipment? No problem! With our Bodyweight training plan, you'll define your upper body, get fit, and build muscles using just your own body weight.

Weighted Legs

This training style challenges your lower body with many dumbbell & barbell exercises. Get strong in squats and deadlifts and supplement your muscle building with targeted isolation exercises.

Weighted Calisthenics

If you love both training with your own body weight and training with weights, the Weighted Calisthenics Plan is your choice. Learn the basic calisthenics exercises and get extremely strong in pull-ups and dips with added weight.

Back Lever

The Back Lever is an advanced holding element from Calisthenics. With many progression steps you learn to hold the Back Lever. The muscles involved are mainly the chest, biceps, back extensor and glute.

Chin Ups

The chin up is a status for strength and allows you to learn many other cool skills from calisthenics. Train your back with the pull-up and learn to control your body.

Bar Muscle Up

The Bar Muscle Up is a challenging, yet iconic exercise from the world of Calisthenics. With a series of gradual progressions, you can master the technique of the Bar Muscle Up. This exercise primarily engages the muscles of the arms, shoulders, chest, and back, while simultaneously demanding your core stability.

Front Lever

There's rarely another holding element that embodies the pure strength needed to oppose gravity with your own body weight. The Front Lever works mainly your back, triceps and core muscles.

One Arm Chin Up

The one arm chin up is an expression of pure strength. A skill for professionals who can't get enough. Increase in the long term with small progression steps until you can overcome your entire body weight with one arm.

Ring Dip

The Ring Dip is the equivalent of the pull-up and is a multi-joint exercise that gets your core muscles growing. Learn to control your body in support hold and train your chest, shoulder and triceps.

Side Split

The side splits require not only incredibly good hip mobility, but also a lot of strength in the legs. You cover both in the long term in your training and gradually get closer to the floor.

Skin The Cat

The Skin The Cat is the multi-tool of calisthenics skills. It combines a pulling and a pushing exercise in one movement. At the same time it mobilizes your shoulders and you learn to build strength with extended arms.


The Planche is a standout gymnastics and calisthenics exercise, demanding shoulder strength, balance, and precise technique. It's more than just power; the correct center of mass is vital. Unlike push-ups with hands under the shoulders, the Planche needs a forward lean for balance. The DIE RINGE app guides you through mastering the Planche technique.

Pistol Squat

The Pistol Squat, also known as the "Single-Leg Squat," is a highlight in calisthenics training. It tests hip and ankle joint mobility while demanding strength and balance from the entire leg. Unlike traditional squats where both feet touch the ground, in the single-leg variation, one leg remains extended in front of you. With the RINGE App, you can progressively learn this challenging technique, boost your leg strength, and develop impressive balance.

Human Flag

The Human Flag is an iconic calisthenics exercise that blends strength, technique, and perfect balance. It demands intense body tension, challenging the shoulders, latissimus, and oblique muscles. While the upper arm pulls, the lower one pushes, creating a dualism of pulling and pushing forces. This apparent anti-gravity stance has inspired many to embark on a calisthenics journey. With the RINGE App, you can learn the necessary techniques and progressions to master this impressive exercise.


The L-Sit is a foundational move in calisthenics that trains the entire upper body. Besides strengthening the abdominal muscles, it particularly targets the musculature around the shoulder and the triceps. As a static exercise, the L-Sit demands continuous muscle tension and technique. It provides beginners with a solid introduction to calisthenics and lays the foundation for more complex exercises. With the RINGE App, you can methodically learn and perfect the L-Sit.

Dragon Flag

The Dragon Flag, named after the martial arts master Bruce Lee, is an impressive combination of core strength and body control. It requires not only abdominal muscles, but also strength in the torso, back, and arms as well as body tension. The right technique, including tensing the buttocks, is crucial for optimally training the rectus abdominis muscle. With the RINGE App, you can gradually learn and perfect this challenging exercise.