Complete Calisthenics Skills List – 40+ Exercises from Beginner to Pro

Calisthenics Skill Dips

Calisthenics is one of the most effective training methods to build strength and flexibility using your own body weight. But how do you know which exercises are right for your level? Which calisthenics skills should you learn first as a beginner? And which advanced exercises will take you to the next level?


In this article, you’ll find a complete calisthenics skill list with over 40 exercises – from basic calisthenics skills for beginners to the toughest calisthenics skills for pros. Each exercise comes with a short guide and videos so you can integrate them into your training right away.

Calisthenics Skills


Why is an organized calisthenics skill list so important?

Calisthenics is based on progression – meaning you move step by step from simple exercises to more difficult skills. Beginners should first focus on basic calisthenics skills to build strength and body control. Advanced athletes can work on harder skills like the front lever or the human flag to conquer new challenges.


This list helps you:

Train in a structured way – from beginner calisthenics skills to the elite level.

Improve weaknesses by going back and strengthening missing fundamentals.

Find new challenges when you hit a plateau.


To help you quickly find the right exercises for your level, we’ve divided the calisthenics skills into five categories:

  1. Beginner Calisthenics Skills – The fundamentals for beginners
  2. Basic Calisthenics Skills – Building strength and body control
  3. Intermediate Calisthenics Skills – More advanced movements
  4. Advanced Calisthenics Skills – The elite level of bodyweight training
  5. Extreme Calisthenics Skills – The toughest moves in the world

Beginner Calisthenics Skills – The fundamentals for beginners

1. Passive Hang

The passive hang improves your grip strength and shoulder health. This exercise prepares you for more advanced movements like Chin Ups or the Muscle-Up.

Necessary equipment

High Bar

The correct execution

  • Grip the bar with both hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing away from you (overhand grip)
  • Let your body hang fully relaxed, arms extended, shoulders pulled toward the ears
  • Keep your body relaxed, with feet off the ground
  • Maintain tension in your hands and forearms
  • Breathe calmly and evenly while holding the position

2. Support Hold

The Support Hold is a fundamental hold exercise that strengthens the shoulders, arms, and chest. A stable support position forms the foundation for many advanced bodyweight exercises.

Necessary equipment

Parallel Bars

The correct execution

  • Start in the support position
  • Stretch arms completely
  • Keep shoulders low (depression)
  • Consciously activate your torso and buttocks

3. Hollow Body Hold

A strong core is essential for many bodyweight exercises. The Hollow Body Hold improves your body tension and is one of the most important foundations for the Handstand and the Front Lever.

The correct execution

  • Start lying on your back
  • Press your lower back into the floor (PPT)
  • Lift your legs straight off the floor
  • Stretch your arms
  • Lift your shoulder blades off the floor
  • If the exercise is too easy, try to lift your shoulder blades even further off the floor
  • Alternatively, you can bend your legs a bit to reduce intensity

4. Squats

Squats are one of the best exercises for strengthening your leg muscles and improving mobility and explosive power. They are the foundation for more advanced variations like the Pistol Squats.

The correct execution

  • Start in shoulder widths
  • Turn your feet to the outside in the ground, so your knees straighten out
  • Build actively tension in the buttocks
  • Bend your knees and sink your body as low as possible
  • Relocate your body weight throughout the foot

5. Push Ups

Push Ups work the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core and can be adjusted with different variations. They are one of the essential foundational exercises in bodyweight training.

The correct execution

  • Start in the push-up position
  • Place hands shoulder width apart
  • Make sure the torso is firm and push the lower back out upwards (PPT)
  • Bend the elbows and lower the chest towards the floor
  • Push up until arms are completely extended

6. Row

Rowing is an effective exercise for the back, rear shoulders, and biceps. It helps develop strong pulling strength and is an essential complement to pushing movements like push-ups.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Start in a low rowing position
  • Take the shoulder blades back down
  • Pull the rings to the chest
  • Extend the arms and go back to the starting position
  • Hold permanently tension in hull and buttocks
  • Make sure your shoulders do not roll forward
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Basic Calisthenics Skills – Building strength and body control

7. Pull Ups

Few exercises improve your upper body strength as effectively as pull-ups. They require both technique and strength and are one of the most important exercises in calisthenics.

Necessary equipment

High Bar

The correct execution

  • Start in the hang position with arms extended
  • Grap the bar in a pronated grip so that the fingers points away from your body
  • Your grip width is at least shoulder width
  • Pull your shoulder blades down backwards at the beginning
  • Bend your arms and pull the bar towards your chest
  • Try to pull yourself up as high as possible, at least with your head above the bar
  • Lower yourself slowly and controlled back into the hang
  • Work in the largest possible range of motion

8. Crow Pose

The Crow Pose is a challenging balance exercise that improves your arm strength and body tension. It serves as preparation for the handstand and other balance movements.

The correct execution

  • Lean on your hands
  • Arms are bent
  • Position your knees directly above your elbows
  • Shift your body weight to your hands
  • Your eyes are directed towards the floor

9. Dips

Dips are one of the best bodyweight exercises for the chest, shoulders, and triceps. They are the perfect complement to pull-ups.

Necessary equipment

Parallel Bars

The correct execution

  • Start in support
  • Push your shoulders down
  • Bend your elbows at least 90 degrees and lower yourself towards the floor
  • Keep permanent tension in your hips and buttocks
  • Stretch your arms and press back into support
  • Work in the largest possible range of motion

10. Toes To Bar

Toes To Bar engages the abdominal muscles and prepares you for exercises like the Front Lever and Skin The Cat.

Necessary equipment

High Bar

The correct execution

  • Start in a hang position with extended arms
  • Grab the bar wider than shoulder width
  • Bend your hips and lift your feet to the bar
  • Keep your legs as straight as possible
  • Keep tension in the torso
  • Lower yourself slowly and controlled back into the hang position

11. Skin The Cat

The exercise Skin The Cat improves your shoulder mobility and strengthens your entire upper body. It is one of the basic calisthenics skills you should master before attempting advanced elements like the Back Lever.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Start in a hang position with straight arms
  • Actively pull your shoulder blades back and down
  • Lift your hips to the rings with straight legs
  • Lower yourself into the hang backwards in a controlled manner
  • Go only as far into the stretch as feels comfortable for you
  • Pull your hips back up to the rings in a controlled manner to reverse the movement
  • Slowly lower yourself back into the hanging position
  • Keep your arms and legs as straight as possible throughout the movement
  • Choose between a supinated (palms facing you) or pronated (palms facing away from you) wrist position

12. Reverse Nordic

Reverse Nordic Curls strengthen the front thigh muscles and protect the knees from injuries. This exercise is a valuable addition to your training for strong legs.

The correct execution

  • Start in kneeling position
  • Make sure your spine is upright
  • Extend your hips completely
  • Keep maximum tension in glute and core
  • Bend back, keeping the upper body in extension of the thighs
  • Go down as low as you can go
  • Press your feet into the floor and straighten your upper body again

13. Pike Push Ups

Pike Push-Ups shift the focus to the shoulder muscles and prepare you for Handstand Push Ups. They are an essential part of a well-rounded calisthenics skill training.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Start in the push-up position
  • Place your feet as close as possible to the parallettes
  • Bend your hips to the maximum
  • Stand on your toes with legs extended
  • Bend your elbows and bring your shoulders to the parallettes
  • Try to keep your upper body as vertical as possible
  • Shift your body weight to your arms

Intermediate Calisthenics Skills – More advanced movements

14. L-Sit

The L-Sit is one of the most well-known static calisthenics skills, demanding significant strength from the core, hip flexors, and shoulders. Mastering this skill provides a solid foundation for advanced exercises like the V-Sit.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Place the Parallettes parallel to each other and at shoulder width on a solid surface
  • Sit between the Parallettes with legs extended
  • Grab the Parallettes firmly while keeping your arms extended
  • Powerfully push yourself up through the arms so that your glute no longer touches the floor
  • Keep your shoulders low and actively push them away from your ears
  • Lift both legs simultaneously until they are parallel to the floor
  • Legs remain extended and feet are flexed

15. RTO Ring Support Hold

In the Ring Support Hold RTO (rings turned out), you stabilize your body in the support position on the rings. The external rotation increases the difficulty and puts a significant demand on your shoulder muscles.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Jump into the support hold
  • Arms are extended
  • Rings are close to the body
  • Palms point forward
  • Turn the palms only as far as you feel comfortable and safe with them
  • Keep shoulders low
  • Head is in extension of the spine
  • Core and glutes are tensed to the maximum

16. Archer Push Ups

Archer Push-Ups are an excellent preparation for One Arm Push Ups. This exercise is one of the best calisthenics skills to strengthen your chest and arm muscles. Alternatively, you can also perform the exercise on gynmastic rings.

The correct execution

  • Start in the push-up position
  • Place your arms wider than shoulder width on the floor
  • Arms are fully extended
  • Make sure the core is firm and push the lower back up (PPT)
  • Bend one elbow and lower the upper body to the bent arm
  • The other arm remains extended throughout
  • Go as deep as possible and then press back to the starting position

17. Pistol Squats

Pistol Squats combine balance, mobility, and leg strength. They are one of the calisthenics skills on this list that you should work on after mastering classic squats and before progressing to Dragon Squats.

The correct execution

  • Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart
  • Shift your weight to your left leg and lift your right leg off the floor
  • Keep your arms in front of you to help balance and shift your body's center of gravity forward
  • Bend your left knee and bring your glute as close to the floor as possible
  • Your heel should remain on the ground throughout
  • Extend your right leg forward so that the foot does not touch the floor
  • Keep your chest upright and your back as straight as possible
  • Make sure that you tend to push your bent knee outward to stabilize it
  • Push yourself powerfully upwards with the left leg back to the standing position

18. Bulgarian Push Ups

Due to the free movement of the rings and the increased range of motion, Bulgarian Push-Ups are one of the most intense chest exercises in calisthenics. They are a great addition to classic Push Ups.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Start in the push-up hold position
  • Hands are higher then shoulder
  • Pay attention to an active core
  • Bend the elbows and lower the chest towards the floor
  • Move the rings away to the side at the level of the shoulders
  • Extend arms completely

19. One Arm Push Ups

One Arm Push Ups are the ultimate strength test and require strong core stability. They are among the more difficult calisthenics skills and one of the toughest pushing movements in bodyweight training.

The correct execution

  • Start in the push-up position
  • Place the left arm centrally under your chest
  • Keep the right arm behind your back
  • Place feet very far apart for maximum stability
  • Make sure the core is firm and push the lower back out (PPT)
  • Bend the left elbow and lower the chest towards the floor
  • Go as deep as possible and then push back to the starting position

20. Weighted Dips

Weighted Dips are perfect for increasing strength in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. They are a must in any advanced athlete’s calisthenics workout and serve as a progression to normal Dips.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Start in support
  • Press your shoulders down
  • Bend your elbows at least 90 degrees and lower yourself towards the floor
  • Keep permanent tension in torso and buttocks
  • Stretch your arms and press back into support
  • Work in the largest possible range of motion
  • As an alternative to the weight belt, you can also use a weight vest or clamp a dumbbell between your thighs

21. Bridge Hold

The Bridge Hold improves spinal flexibility and strengthens the back muscles. It is essential for gymnasts, dancers, and athletes who want to work on their back mobility.

The correct execution

  • Start lying on your back with your feet up
  • Place your hands over your shoulders
  • Your fingers point to your feet
  • Extend your arms and press into the bridge
  • Keep active tension in your buttocks and extend your hips to the max

22. Archer Pull Ups

Archer Pull Ups are an effective way to train unilateral pulling strength. This exercise is one of the more challenging intermediate calisthenics skills and helps prepare for the One Arm Pull Up.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Start in a hanging position
  • Pull the shoulder blades back down
  • Pull one ring to the chest
  • At the same time extend the other arm to the side
  • Keep the arm extended

23. Bulgarian Dips

Bulgarian Dips on the rings require more stability and strength than regular Ring Dips. Due to the increased stretch, they place greater demand on the chest muscles.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Start in the support hold position
  • Move the arms outward
  • Elbows are permanently over the wrists
  • Back of the hand pointing forward
  • In the lowest position, the upper arms are parallel to the ground
  • Hold permanent tension in your core

24. Pancake

The Pancake Stretch improves your hip mobility and is essential for movements like the Straddle Press Handstand.

The correct execution

  • Start in wide seat
  • Raise your arms overhead in extension of your torso
  • Bend your hips and lower your chest towards the floor
  • Your feet are turned in and the soles of your feet are on the floor
  • Keep tension in back, abdomen and legs

Advanced Calisthenics Skills – The elite level of bodyweight training

Using Calisthenics Apps can be very helpful for learning difficult Calisthenics Skills. Find out which apps can help you in our article about the 10 best Calisthenics Apps.

25. Dragon Squats

Dragon Squats are an advanced variation of Pistol Squats. This exercise requires a high level of mobility, balance, and leg strength. It is one of the most challenging calisthenics skills for the lower body.

The correct execution

  • Begin by standing upright with your feet approximately hip-width apart
  • Shift your weight onto your left leg and lift your right leg off the ground
  • Start to bend your supporting leg and lower yourself slowly
  • While doing so, move your hovering leg behind your supporting leg
  • Ensure that the knee of your supporting leg remains above your foot and doesn't collapse inward
  • Try to go as low as possible, ideally until your buttocks are just above the ground
  • Extend your hovering leg when in the deepest position
  • Hold this low position for a moment, focusing on maintaining your balance
  • Powerfully push yourself up with your supporting leg and return to the standing position

26. Ring Muscle Ups

A Ring Muscle-Up is a combination of a pull-up and a dip. This skill is one of the most well-known calisthenics skills because it combines pulling and pushing strength.

Here you can find an article on the topic: How to Muscle Up

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Grap the rings with a false grip, where the wrists rest on the rings
  • Start in a hanging position with your arms straight
  • Powerfully pull the rings to your chest while leaning your body forward onto the rings
  • Lift your elbows up and pull yourself into the deep dip position
  • Keep the rings close to your body throughout the entire movement
  • Press up powerfully into the top support position
  • Keep your core tight and stable to ensure a clean execution of the movement
  • Lower your body slowly and controlled back to the hanging starting position, without losing control

27. Handstand

The Handstand is one of the few calisthenics skills suitable for beginners. It forms the foundation for advanced exercises like Handstand Push Ups or Press Handstand.

The correct execution

  • Go into the handstand
  • Keep your legs close together
  • Make sure your core is stable
  • Tilt your pelvis backwards (PPT)
  • Arms are maximally extended
  • Try to control the balance with your fingers
  • Try to avoid balancing movements over the hips or shoulders

28. Dragon Flag

The Dragon Flag is one of the toughest core exercises and requires maximum body tension. It is essential for improving core stability for advanced calisthenics skills.

Necessary equipment

Wall Bars

The correct execution

  • Lie with your back on a mat or the floor so that your head is positioned close to the wall bars
  • With both arms bent, grab one bar above your head, shoulder width apart.
  • Activate your core and glutes while keeping your hips extended
  • Firmly tighten the abdominal muscles and press the lower back into the floor (PPT)
  • Lift your body so that only your upper back and shoulder blades touch the floor
  • Keep your body straight and in line

29. Human Flag

The Human Flag is one of the most iconic calisthenics skills and requires a combination of pulling strength, pushing strength, and body tension. Mastering this skill demonstrates extreme control over your body.

Necessary equipment

Wall Bars

The correct execution

  • Stand sideways to the wall bars so that you can place both hands on different bars
  • The distance between your hands should be about the length of your torso
  • With the upper hand, grab a bar with the fingers pointing downward
  • With the lower hand grab another bar with the fingers pointing upward
  • Pull the lower shoulder blade towards your ear (elevation)
  • Pull the upper shoulder blade down (depression)
  • Tense your entire body while keeping your arms extended
  • Raise your body by pulling with the upper hand and pushing with the lower hand
  • Try to bring your body in a horizontal position
  • Both legs should be extended and the body should form a straight line from the shoulders to the feet
  • Direct your eyes forward while breathing calmly and evenly

30. Bar Muscle Ups

The Bar Muscle-Up is an explosive strength movement where you pull yourself over the bar and transition into a dip. Learning the Bar Muscle-Up requires strong and explosive pulling power, which you can train with Explosive Pull-Ups.

Necessary equipment

High Bar

The correct execution

  • Start in hang position
  • Grab the bar slightly wider than shoulder width in semi-false grip or instep grip
  • Let your body swing slightly forward while tensing your core
  • At the pendulum's front turn point, bend your arms and pull your chest explosively towards the bar
  • Pull yourself up as high as possible and keep your chest close to the bar
  • At the highest point, rotate your wrists so that you are leaning with your hands on the bar
  • Lean on the bar with your chest and bring your elbows up
  • Press yourself up into the support and stretch your arms completely
  • Slowly lower yourself back into the hang in reverse order and in a controlled manner
  • If you need to complete multiple repetitions, you can shuttle back and forth once between repetitions or pull yourself up again immediately after a repetition

31. Back Lever

The Back Lever is a static calisthenics skill. It is one of the exercises that can be trained after mastering Skin The Cat.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Begin in an inverted hang with your arms straight
  • Extend your legs and keep them together
  • Ensure that your entire body forms a straight line
  • Activate your core and glute muscles to create strong body tension
  • Keep your arms straight and actively tense your biceps
  • Lower your body slowly and controlled backwards until it reaches a horizontal position
  • In the horizontal position, make sure your hips do not sag and avoid arching your back, to form a consistent line from your heels to your head
  • Hold your hands in the position that is most comfortable for you, whether palms facing forward (pronation) or backward (supination)
  • Maintain this position for the set time or as long as possible
  • Maintain this position for the set time or as long as possible
  • Controlled, pull yourself back into the inverted hang or lower your feet to the ground to complete the exercise

Extreme Calisthenics Skills – The toughest moves in the world

Before you start with these advanced Skills, it’s worth building a solid foundation. You can find more about this in our Calisthenics Body Transformation Guide.

32. Front Lever

The Front Lever is one of the hardest static holds and requires extremely strong core and back muscles. It is one of the more difficult calisthenics skills and demands a lot of patience in training.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Begin in an inverted hang with your arms straight
  • Actively retract your shoulder blades downwards and backwards
  • Lower your extended body forward in a controlled manner until you reach a horizontal position
  • Maintain maximum tension in your core and glutes throughout the movement to ensure a straight body line
  • Fully extend your legs and keep them together
  • Ensure that your hips do not sag and that your body line remains parallel to the ground

33. Handstand Push Ups

Handstand Push Ups are one of the best exercises for strengthening the shoulders and upper body. They require not only strength but also balance and technique. Mastering them demonstrates an impressive level of body control.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Start in handstand
  • Bend your elbows
  • Bring your head towards the floor
  • Nose pointing towards the floor
  • Keep maximum tension in core and glutes
  • Press back into handstand

34. One Arm Chin Up

The One Arm Chin Up is the ultimate strength test. Without support from the second arm, you have to pull yourself up using only the strength of one arm—placing extreme demands on your back, biceps, and grip strength.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Hang from a ring with your left arm
  • Launch from a full hang
  • Pull the ring explosively to the chest

35. Side Split

The Side Split not only improves hip mobility but also enhances control over your leg muscles. It is especially useful for movements like the Pancake or the V-Sit and takes your flexibility to a new level.

The correct execution

  • Make sure the surface is slip-free and firm
  • Do the splits as far as possible
  • Support yourself on your hands
  • Make sure your spine is upright

36. V-Sit

The V-Sit is an advanced progression of the L-Sit and requires extreme core tension. The higher your legs, the harder the exercise becomes, as it demands not only strength but also great hamstring flexibility.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Place the parallettes or your hands firmly on the floor, about shoulder-width apart
  • Sit between the parallettes or place your hands directly next to your hips on the ground
  • Push through your hands to lift your body completely off the floor
  • Keep your arms straight and actively pull your shoulders down
  • Fully extend your legs and slowly raise them into a vertical position, forming a "V" shape with your body
  • Engage your core muscles tightly to stabilize the position
  • Hold this position statically, focusing on steady breathing and maintaining tension throughout your entire body

37. Press Handstand

The Press Handstand combines strength, flexibility, and control. Instead of jumping up with momentum, you lift your legs into the handstand position in a controlled manner.

The correct execution

  • Position your hands shoulder-width apart on the parallettes or on the floor
  • Bring your feet as close to your hands as possible
  • Keep your head between your shoulders and look towards the ground
  • Push up with a rounded back and elevate your shoulders towards your ears
  • Keep your arms fully extended and distribute your body weight evenly on your hands
  • Lean forward on your hands until you can lift your feet off the ground using your tiptoes
  • Raise your legs up in as large a circle as possible into the handstand and close your feet when your hips are fully extended
  • Extend your spine vertebra by vertebra as you rise into the handstand position
  • Try to control the balance using your fingers

38. Back Lever Pulls

Back Lever Pulls are an advanced progression of the static Back Lever. The controlled pulling up and lowering demonstrate complete mastery of the movement.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Begin in an inverted hang with your arms straight
  • Extend your legs and keep them together
  • Ensure that your entire body forms a straight line
  • Activate your core and glute muscles to create strong body tension
  • Keep your arms straight and actively tense your biceps
  • Slowly and controlled, move your body backward into the inverted hang
  • Go as deep as possible without losing control
  • Avoid arching your back during the movement and ensure that your hips do not collapse
  • Hold your hands in the position that is most comfortable for you, whether palms facing forward (pronation) or backward (supination)
  • Dynamically and controlled, pull yourself back into the inverted hang

39. Front Lever Pulls

Front Lever Pulls are an advanced progression of the static Front Lever. The controlled pulling up and lowering demonstrate complete mastery of the movement.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Start in hang position
  • Pull the shoulder blades back down
  • Pull yourself into the inverted hang position with an extended body
  • Arms remain extended throughout
  • Lower yourself back into the hang with your body extended
  • Keep maximum tension in core and glutes

40. Planche

The Planche is one of the most challenging calisthenics exercises. Your body remains horizontal in the air, supported only by your arms. A combination of pure strength, control, and technique.

Necessary equipment

The correct execution

  • Start in quadruped position on the parallettes
  • Extend your arms to the maximum and consciously tense your triceps
  • Press the Parallettes firmly into the floor and position your shoulders in a protracted depression (front down)
  • Activate your chest and shoulder muscles
  • Lean forward and shift your body weight to your hands
  • Lean forward until you almost feel like you are going to tip over
  • Release the feet from the floor
  • Stretch the hips and spread the legs
  • Keep the hips extended and the upper body parallel to the floor
  • Make sure your arms remain extended throughout and your shoulders are in a deep and forward position (protraction/depression)

Whether you’re just starting out or looking for new challenges, this list shows you all calisthenics skills in order, so you can plan your progress effectively.

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